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The basics on mindful eatingThe basics on mindful eating
The basics on mindful eating

Learn from Maven experts on how to be present during mealtime.

Signs you could benefit from talking to a therapistSigns you could benefit from talking to a therapist
Signs you could benefit from talking to a therapist

Therapy can be a way to learn about setting boundaries, communicating your feelings, and knowing yourself better. Here are some signs it's time to consider therapy.

How to prevent UTIsHow to prevent UTIs
How to prevent UTIs

Follow these tips from a Maven expert to lower your risk of a UTI.

Why self-care is so critical during menopause
Why self-care is so critical during menopause

Learn how you can prioritize your needs and make self-care a habit during menopause.

Tips for getting back into the school routine
Tips for getting back into the school routine

Make back-to-school time smooth sailing.

6 common breastfeeding questions almost all new parents ask
6 common breastfeeding questions almost all new parents ask

Getting support early can save you weeks of pain and worry. Read on to get answers to your breastfeeding questions.

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